marți, 23 februarie 2010

ilinca re-blogs again

[click pe titlu]

A few months back, ilinca started a blog, also hosted on blogspot ( in which she wrote her thoughts and ideas 'bout everything she things, sees or experience. Later she put her blog on stand-by as she started to a new blog on tumblr only with pictures and short movies etc. I enjoyed that blog also but i consider the old one better, just because she shared in writing her thoughts and ideas.

this evening when i signed in on y!mess i saw her stts which directed me to her old blog. i was pleased to see that she re-blogs again in her old blog.


vineri, 19 februarie 2010

Obiceiuri...d'ale noastre

Ati observat ca de fiecare data cand inchideti usa, adica o incuiati, pe langa faptul ca o incuiati de 2-3 ori, de parca atunci cand hotul vine cu gandul la jaf el cand vede ca ati inchis de 2-3 ori...face 3 pasi inapoi si zice: Nu frate, eu nu ma bag aici, eu n-am venit echipat pt asa ceva las pe altcineva. Deci cum ziceam, ati observat ca dupa ce incuiati aveti obiceiul sa mai apasati odata pe clanta, de parca tocmai ati avut o criza instanta de Alzheimer si ati uitat ce ati facut in urma cu cateva secunde...sau de parca cand ai invartit incuietoarea ea a ratat orificiul unde trebuia sa intre plus ca daca tot repetati aceasta actiune acea clanta se va strica.
Si eu obisnuiam sa fac acest lucru pana cand mi-am dat seama de inutilitatea actiunii, si acum incerc sa ma controlez :))

luni, 1 februarie 2010

Super Sweet 16 Roger

Roger Federer won yesterday the 16th Grand Slam title, in the first Grand Slam Tournament of the year, Australian Open. Playing in the final against scottish Andy Murray, he defeated him in 2h and 40 min, 6/3 6/4 6/6 (11/9). As always Roger played a perfect tennis games based on lucidity, force, talent and technic.